Isn't it an amazing feeling to know that people are grateful you were born? To have hundreds of people stop their day to demand that YOURS is happy..
Try not to smile when you wake up to texts reading: Thank you for existing. Flowers that say Thank you for waking up next to me. A call from your Dad saying Thanks for being my daughter.
But with a birthday comes the stressful month before hand filled with questions about what you WANT.
I've been pretty broke.. so the answers are simple. Candy. I want a big box of chocolates..
I want a gift card that will buy me infinity Carmelicious Smoothies with an extra shot of espresso....

I want tank tops.. lots of them..
But.. I don't really Need those things. And the more I thought about it.. I don't NEED anything.
What I got was an amazing opportunity!
A friend of mine works for a local TV station and offered me the chance to come promote LockeYoga on their morning show!
Until now, all of my advertising has been through word of mouth among friends and former clients. This was a truly great opportunity and I am so grateful for it!
I'm relatively sure that my nerves got the best of me and I'm completely sure that I didn't say all of what I wanted to.. so I'm going to tell it all to you now.
- LockeYoga means a lot to me. It represents something I've done completely on my own. I didn't have investors or mentors. I didn't have years of experience in the field to get me started. I only had my deep desire to help people who couldn't come to a studio and see what a difference yoga can make. The people who need yoga the most are the ones who can't come to a studio. MS sufferers who worry that they're slowly losing themselves to their disease. Parkinsons patients who struggle to keep up. People with Fibromyalgia whose bodies attack them without warning. Moms who don't want to leave their little ones behind.
- Whatever reason you have for not working out and not putting yourself first is legitimate. You wouldn't risk your health if it were an option. I've taken sessions at 11pm for people who have uncooperative schedules. I've incorporated the weight of the precious infant you can't bring yourself to put down into a private, in-home class. I've turned chair flow into a game of rocket ships for your 4 year old who 'wants to play yoga, too!'
- I was asked if I had any advice for other entrepreneurs.. and my advice to them is this:
Your business is a relationship. It's going to occupy all of your thoughts and all of your attention.. but you have to make time for your friends and loved ones. They're your support system. You need them.
If your friends don't believe in your new relationship, the first time you complain about his affinity for drinking out of the carton, he's toast. There will come a day when you're in a horrible mood and you want to call it a day.. and they're all for it. No questions asked. End it.
And when your business gets difficult, (And it WILL get difficult) an unsupportive friend would help to convince you that you should accept a different job. Give it up and cut your losses.
That's why it's important, not just for business owners, but for ANYONE, to make friends with people who believe in you. I could never have come as far as I have without my friends and The Caveman.
When I called my sister H crying, telling her I didn't know if I was going to make it.. she listened. Let me cry. Asked if I NEEDED anything. No.. I just don't know what I'm doing!
Yes you do, Sara. You've always known what you were doing. Keep trusting yourself. This is just a rough patch.
As I moved in with The Caveman I had to explain that I had never been a person to rely on anyone.. and that it was difficult for me to move in without a guaranteed paycheck.. maybe I should just take that bartending job I was offered???
No Sara. You've been trying to do this for a long time. I know it's hard and I know money will be tight for you, but if you need anything, just tell me. I promise, it's going to be ok.

He sent me a congratulatory bottle of wine to toast my future success and lent his services as a photographer to help me put my website together.
My sister L turned my Logo photo into a sign to hang in my home as a Christmas gift.
My friend Jenny at Jenacious Inc built my site and cheered me on..
So what could I possible want for my birthday?
What could I ever ask for that could make my life better than it is? More time to spend with these amazing people.. but time isn't something that can be given.
A better vocabulary to more eloquently thank the people who have loved me and believed in me since the first time I had to portion a jar of pickles as a week's worth of dinners...
No.. What I want for my birthday is to help make someone else's life easier, like my loved ones have done for me.
And I want you to help me!
I'm having a food and clothing drive and I want your unwanteds!
I've already collected hundreds of pounds and I'm calling The Open Door Mission tomorrow to beg them to accept our offerings. I'll be collecting until I've hit 700 pounds of donated goods. I'm so excited that my friends are so loving and caring and willing to help better the lives of people who are struggling in our city.
Thank you so much my beautiful, loving readers. I'm so incredibly thankful for every day I wake up to the life I share with you all!
Veggie Chips!!!!
Stuff you'll need:
Couple of sweet potatoes
1 bunch of beets
Sea Salt
Bacon Grease, Butter, Beef Tallow... Ok, you get it. Some kind of animal fat =)
Cinnamon (optional)
Turn on your broiler.. this is gonna go fast ;)
Either carefully slice your root veggies on a mandolin or be a cheating cheater like me and throw it in your food processor with the slicer blade

Drizzle your fat of choice and your sea salt onto your veggies and place in a single layer on your baking sheet. Broil for JUST A FEW MINUTES!!! Our dead battery in the kitchen smoke detector can attest to why you need to stay on top of this...
Pull your veggies out and turn them. Toss em back in.. You get the idea. Easy Peasy =) =)