Monday, January 16, 2012

Adventure or Bust.. A sunny winter Omaha tour and Our Dinner with Al Capone

One of my many failings as a ninja of happiness is my readiness to wilt when the sunshine has been taken away. I wither.. I fade. 
But.. I got an early birthday present this weekend... a sunny Saturday afternoon <3
The Caveman took this opportunity to take me for a walk.
We headed to a few little shops here and there and made a point to each show the other a place we'd never been. 
I took the boy to Penzey's, where we touched, taste, and smelled EVERY SINGLE SPICE in the shop. I was surprised he'd never been there before and we found some fantastic little gems. We also found out that your nose burns and you start sneezing after 12 minutes.
He took ME to Countryside Village.
He is staunchly opposed to caffeine consumption, but understands that a girl has needs.. so he brought me into The Village Grinder where I struggled to decide between a peanut butter mocha and the salted caramel (caramel won the day.. but just BARELY.. I'll be back for you, PB!)
This adorable little coffee shop (which employs only absolutely kind and clever baristas) is attached to The Bookworm. Books AND coffee... Grawr <3 <3
After an extended conversation with the proprietor about why vampires are a thing right now (It was decided that Cyborgs were in vogue when the Caveman was a teenager.. and that the vampire reign is just about over.. make way for Zombies) I was dragged kicking and screaming from the lovely establishment.

We found ourselves in Ferd's 

Before heading to Wohlner's.. Where we found.... Him.

This is an Al Capone Roast.
Never heard of one? Neither had we..
It is a pork roast pounded flat. It is then lined with Italian Sausage, Salami, and Provolone cheese.
I sprinkled the top with Garlic, Pepper, Basil, and Oregano.

Baked at 350 for 20 minutes per pound.

It was really reminiscent of many Brat/Italian sammich kind of meals I've had in the past, so I decided to slice some onione, red, orange, and yellow peppers.. halve some cherry tomatoes and throw them all in a skillet with some butter. Pan roasted them down into a tender, gooey, sweet, and vaguely spicy (I tossed some crushed red pepper in there while I was at it) side.. 
And just for good measure, I warmed up some kraut to serve with it.


The Packers may not have won (seriously.. did they? We had company but I do my best to ignore the shouting coming to, and from the television on game day) but this meal was a perfect success <3

Happy fooding, my friends!

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