Throw a tantrum.. pout. Kick stuff. Call everyone stoopid fayce dummy!
Seems that it's happened significantly more in the last 365 days.
I feel I can draw an almost exact line from the time I was a real grown up who got through her day with a smile on her face and the last time Pizza passed my lips.
Not Paleo Meatza, which is NOT pizza. Not close. It's lots of meat with lots of cheese on it. I. Do. Not. Like. It.
I want Pizza.
I capitalize Pizza like some people capitalize their children's names. The reason is simple. I have no children.. and thus, love Pizza more than I love any human. Even YOU!
Well. Maybe. I love a few of you quite an awful lot...
But the fact remains. Something has been missing in my life. Something fundamental and meaningful.
Something... Real.
I came to The Caveman in tears explaining I simply can't go on this way. Something has to change. A girl has needs and mine were not being satisfied.
Cold. Hard. Truth.
He took the news pretty hard. We've been such faithful cave kids this last year.. shuddering at the thought of a cheat.. but he wants me to be happy.
On the verge of a phone call to the hut of Pizza.. a game changer.
We found other paleo peoples who had the same needs as this cavegirl.. and could not be satisfied by bacon woven into a crust.
(Abrabacon is an enormous fan of this type of meatza.. and that's just fine. But when he makes it, I eat scrambled eggs)
This, my hungry friends.. is what we came up with:
PIZZA!!!! (With a Cream Cheese Crust)
Be warned.. this recipe is NOT for the Dairy Wary..
Stuff you're gonna need:
4 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup Grated Parmesan (Do it yourself, silly.. it's soooo much better that way)
8 oz Mozzarella (see above)
1 egg
Garlic powder

Grate your cheese...
Mix Cream Cheese and Egg until they're light and fluffy. Blend in seasonings and add your cheeses. Mix into a batter...
Line your pan with Parchment Paper (Not Foil!! I know this is a picture of foil.. and that's why I can tell you NOT FOIL! For the love of Pete! NOT FOIL!)
And Butter your parchment.. cuz you can't be TOO careful =) =)
Chop up some veggies.. Brown some Italian Sausage...
It is highly recommended that while you wait for your crust to bake, you snack heartily on olives and pepperoni.
And then bake it at 325 for about 20 minutes (or until it looks about like this guy) and carefully flip it.. you want both sides crispy =) =) =)
Treat it like the incredible culinary relationship it truly is.
Sauce. Mushrooms. Olives <3. Green Peppers....
And when it looks like this (ish)
Pop it back in the oven until it's all warm and perfect <3
****I would suggest that you do not add cheese on top of this guy.. the crust is very rich.. delicious.. but rich. SO. Adding cheese on top makes it TOO much****
I woke up and birds were chirping.. the sun was shining.. the dog was dogging..
I dunno. You get it.
Sometimes.. food IS love.
And sometimes.. SOMETIMES..
It's Pizza.
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