I thought of my treasured Givenchy sunglasses (which I lost at a yacht party in 2005)
I remembered how worried I was to sweat on them. I also remember the party itself.. the last of it's kind I ever plan to attend.
I remember being excruciatingly bored and a little grossed out at the middle aged men who were hitting on me. I remember wishing we were playing sand volleyball instead of drinking high volumes of alcohol and having to pretend I wasn't starrrving.. I wanted a hot dog and to jump off the yacht to swim (Not allowed in my ludicrously expensive swimsuit, nor by the silly standard that had been set by the other *painnnfully thin* ladies of the party) I wanted to fish!
And then one of the waiters said something funny and I signed my high society death warrant.. by laughing.
That was when I came up with my little theory about class and happiness...
But first, let's do a little visual product comparison, shall we?
This is an ad for David's Bridal.. one of their $99 dress sale advertisements.
When I look at this picture I think... this girl is pretty happy to be getting married!
She's joyful.
This lovely lady is wearing Monique Lhullier.
She looks... bored.
And maybe a little afraid of the dress itself, if not what it represents.
Shall we try another?
Cute panties, lady!
And cute smile....
Those are undies you can do cartwheels in.. you can wear under your clothes while you play sports or workout.
Those are skivvies you can laugh in =) =) =)

It would seem there is something desirable about looking morbidly uncomfortable.
She's not gonna sleep in that, you realize?
She can't.. she's too busy glaring at you.
Let's try again.

Clinique Happy
You know you're smiling =)

Noticing a trend?
So from this, we are to surmise that the ultimate status symbol is a grimace.
Class is to be equated with boredom and misery and if you're smiling, you belong in the $99 dress sale with exhibit A.
And me...
Which sent me on a memory scavenger hunt. All of the times my ridiculous grin betrays my status. All of the moments that make yachts and Roberto Cavali seem cheap and contrived.
So here they are... my top 5 favorite nights. Ever. And always. The way I will spend my time no matter how much money I do or do not have.
5. Sipping on one of The Caveman's famous Chocolate Cherry martinis while we watch the sun set on our deck.. SashaDog and Juno playing in the yard and our summer station playing on Pandora.
4. Laying in bed all night watching movies, wrapped up in the one I love, a bottle of New Age on the nightstand and some takeout sushi close at hand.
3. The utter decadence of having chinese delivered to our home.. to likely be eaten with our hands. If I'm making someone else cook for me, there's no way I'm doing dishes ;)
2. Hanging out with Smalls or one of my nieces, mud masks cracking our faces into the ancient versions of ourselves as we paint toenails and sing along to the radio... loudly...
1. Sitting in a bubble bath having my love read to me. I like it most when he uses the voices or accidentally acts things out with his hands... =)
And this is who I will be. No matter what... I'll never be a rich person.
A 6 figure salary couldn't change the fact that I know who I want to spend my time with.. and it's not someone twice my age and triple my gross income.
It's my family. It's my love. It's Sasha and Juno..
I AM Clinique Happy.
I hope you are too =) =) =)
Recipe time? Ok.. I guess so =)
Paleo Pizza! ~The Sequel~
BBQ Chicken Pizza... Nommmmm~
So you guys remember when The Caveman and I made Pizza a little while back, yeah?
Well.. not everyone is ok with a crust made entirely of cheese. No really! Some people have a problem with that!
So we present you with this alternative....
Cauliflower crust!
You will need:
1 medium-large head of Cauliflower
1 large egg
1 cup of finely shredded Mozzarella (or your favorite cheese... it'll work, trust!)
Garlic powder
Onion powder
You can either microwave or steam your cauliflower until tender. Drain well! This is hugely important... leave it set in your colander in the sink for however long you like.
When as much water as possible has been drained out, throw your cauliflower into a food processor. Remove from your processor. Line a kitchen towel with paper towels and press cauliflower in towels until as much moisture as possible has been removed.
Return to your food processor and add cheese and seasonings. Press into a parchment paper lined pizza pan.
Broil on high until your crust is browned on top, then remove and CAREFULLY flip. Broil until the other side is crisp and top with your favorite pizza fixins ;)
We went with BBQ chicken... Abe makes his own BBQ sauce and if you're extra good, maybe one day you'll get the recipe for that, too ;)
Throw it back into the oven at 400 degrees and enjoy =)
Now that... is decadence <3
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