Monday, December 26, 2011

Tales of Turkey.. and Grain-Free French Toast =)

Abrabacon always laughs at this episode of Portlandia, but it's pretty accurate.
Here's a picture of the chicken we will be serving for you today.. his name was Colin. He had a very happy life..
It really is funny.. But it's exactly what we were looking for.

I don't think you should be allowed to eat meat unless you know where it came from. Unless you can go to the places your food is kept and not flinch. Unless you can watch it be slaughtered and still sit down to your meal.

There is SO much disconnect between Americans and our food.. and I believe that plays a huge factor in Americans and our wonderful relationship with our heart spcialist. Our Endocrinologist. Our Gastroenterologist. Dietician. Personal Trainer. Guy at Complete Nutrition. 

So. I might be the only non-vegetarian yoga instructor in my city. 
This isn't a fact.. just a probably. Based on the looks I've gotten when I sit down to lunch with any of the yogis I know. 
They think it's impossible to eat meat if you know what it does to you.
I do know. And I know all of the benefits of vegetarianism. And I respect them thoroughly for it.
It isn't lack of self control that keeps me carnivorous. It's understanding MY body and what MY body needs.

But as an Omnivore, I felt I needed to be better connected with my food.

This started with a harrowing trip to the farm The Caveman use to live on.
We won't talk about that day... sigh.

But let's move on to today.
The Caveman and I decided to make our own turkey this year. I've made a few in my day, and was excited to flex that nurturing muscle. After all, what's more womanly than making a Turkey? It has become such a symbol of family and warmth and love..
That reminds me. I think I'll call my brother and see if he wants to come over for dinner... Be right back!

Where was I?
Oh ya. So Tom. Wanna meet him?

He's not cooked yet.. but his preparation was a bit of a milestone for me =)

See.. we got him from this amazing CSA we're part of. The farmer knows us both by name. He invited us to a bbq where he made amazing pineapple jalepeno brats and delicious burgers.. He supplies us with all of the grass-fed, pasture raised, happy meat we could ever want =)

So when The Caveman asked if I could prepare a turkey I just smiled. Duh. It's me.. I can make anything.

He didn't ask if I could cook a turkey.
He asked if I could PREPARE a turkey...
I was not prepared.

The first thing I noticed as I pulled the defrosted beast from his shroud of plastic and paper was that he still had feathers. Not all of them.. but many.
As I pulled them from the bird, rotating and taking care to treat the animal with respect, I notice several other differences between Tom and what I had always known a ready-to-cook turkey to look like..
For instance..
His head was removed.. but that was the end of it.
I had to butcher my own bird.

You know that bag of stuff they put back in there when you buy it from the store??
Turns out, turkeys don't all have those handy bags of goodies that you can just feed your dog.

I had to break and cut out it's neck. I had to find and remove giblets.. and other things that I still can't identify.
It took an extra hour (and many squeals from a cavegirl in the kitchen proclaiming that she doesn't know what she's cutting) 

But there he is... in the oven. Seasoned and buttered and ready to be loved =)

Sorry! Fairly long rant about food awareness!

In other news, I made french toast today!!
Quite the feat, considering we don't eat gluten or grain...

It started with knowing how much I would want a turkey sandwich tonight. Badly, is the answer to that..
So the caveman sends me this link to another food blog he likes. It's bread.. in the microwave.. in a minute and a half.
So I made it..
And I hated it =(
I don't like coconut fat as much as the average cavegirl, I guess..
But a little messing with the recipe and I'm sure I will enjoy it!
In the mean time, I hate waste. HATE IT!!!
So. I sliced the little guy up.. 

And I mixed him with some egg, hazelnut liquor, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove. Tossed him in a skillet and..


Sigh. Sorry so long-winded today guys! But there it is. 

I hope you had a very happy holiday!! I can't wait to check in with you all next week after my family has OUR Christmas =) =)

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