I said it. And it's true.
And if you only knew how flexible... how incredibly mouth watering.. how tender and easily butchered..
I'm speaking, of course, about Chuck Eye Steaks..
The meat pulls easily away from the fat (which SashaDog doesn't seem to mind) and can be chopped up into approximately infinity completely different recipes!

Unfortunately, we forgot we live in Omaha.. and that it was 9pm. On a Tuesday...
So after driving around for half an hour looking for sustenance, we threw in the towel and came home to forage through the refrigerator.
And as always, I had some of this beautiful meat on hand (See! The Caveman supports me and Chuck's relationship!)
Being completely drained and not wanting to spend the time preparing a feast, I accidentally made the most delicious thing..
2 Chuck Eye steaks
4 eggs
salt or tenderizer
Yeah. That was it...
There's enough marbleization that I didn't need any extra fat to cook this in. Cubed the meat and tossed it seasoned in the pan.. when it was cooked to my liking, I plated it and cracked the eggs in the pan. Flipped once and served them over medium right on top of the meat. Steak and Eggs and blissss <3
Tonight, I made Sir Bacon the stroganoff he was craving (using Old Faithful) but I was in the mood for something spicy.. so I made for myself:
Chuck <3
1 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow onion
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup beef stock
1 tsp cumin
1 tbsp Chili powder
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
Cube and season meat and throw it into your hot skillet. When it's cooked ALMOST to your liking, throw in some sliced pepper (I also add some jalepeno to mine.. but I'm spicy like that ;) ) and onion. There should be enough fat in your pan to keep these from sticking, if not, add some butter.
Once the veggies are cooked down, deglaze your pan with beef stock. Add your tomato paste and reduce by half. Your dish should be creamy and sticky and delicious <3 <3 <3 I threw some pepperjack cheese and sliced avocado on mine.. because I'm worth it ;)
I'm currently sitting in the den.. Christmas socks on. Hot chocolate beside me.. Sweet kitten cuddling up beside me.
The Caveman is enjoying one of his Christmas gifts (Madden for PS3) and I am just enjoying Christmas.
And I'm going to keep letting myself enjoy it..
And as for my new love.. well.
He's going to be the guest of honor Sunday when we have company for dinner...
I wonder what he'll wear....
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