I will mention her mother... who was brave enough to raise her children on her own. Who worked as many jobs as she could get her tired hands on to feed her children, often enduring grueling physical labor working at the packing house for half (or less) than men were making for the same work. As tired as she was, she made a weekly date with her children to cuddle up in the livingroom and watch Creature Feature with a weekly treat of soda and candy. She would wake you up at 4am to have a cup of coffee and play Yahtzee. From Grandma Fisher, we ladies became stubborn and strong willed. We learned that excuses are for the weak, and we would never do her the dishonor of being such. She was our Joan of Arc.. the strongest woman in the world, and I see her every day in the actions of my incredible sisters.
I think of Shannon, the captain of the Locke sister team. I remember a year, Shannon was newly single and had 5 perfect sons to feed, clothe, and keep from knowing things were tough. She could have worked a as a waitress and flirted for enough tips to keep the lights on... but she decided instead that this was the time to go to school. She worked so hard, staying up to study after a long day of work, school, running her sons everywhere, cooking, and keeping the house and laundry up... just to wake up bright and early and do it again. She never snapped.. she never pushed her sons away when they needed her and patiently, she got her degree. Those 5 incredible boys are such a testament to their Mother's strength and love.. One of them has graduated and moved out, another is graduating today. Brilliant, beautiful boys who I am so proud to know!
Now, after raising those 5 sons into teenagers, she has 2 baby daughters to start over with. She is the picture of motherhood.. and I'm so thankful for her <3
Heather... where to begin???
She's my best friend. I've looked up to her since I was.... born. She is strong.. but she is so much more. I've mentioned her before, and I mention her often. If we've ever met, you've heard me tell you about my other mother, my sister Heather. You've heard me tell you about her taking me to see Frankenstein at the community playhouse. Or the time she tried to help me fix my overly highlighted hair by buying a box of red... I looked like the koolaid man! Then we ran to the store at 11pm to find a box color and HOPEFULLY fix it... Or renting a cabin and bringing us kids out to make s'mores and go swimming. Taking us to Joe's lake, just to get us away. I'm thankful for Heather every day.
Erin taught me everything I ever needed to know about how to perform an opera in the basement. Step one: Stand on the pool table. There are better acoustics up by the ceiling... Step two: Put a book on your head. If it doesn't fall off, you were not emoting. Step three: Always have a large pizza on hand. The grease.. uhm. Lubricates your vocal cords? And step three: The words aren't important. I hope these are the same lessons she's teaching her 7 children as they grow under her creative eye!
My Little Lindsay.. Sweet little sister <3 She's always been a bit of a tough cookie. Not so mushy as myself. Not SO sentimental. Another hard worker. Determined and strong.. and then one lovely Christmas, she announces she's going to have a baby. This tough little cookie didn't give an inch of her strength over, but instead became the perfect example of how a person can be tender, loving, kind... but firm. I've never seen anyone look at someone the way she looks at her son. I imagine if a blind person wakes one day.. vision restored, just in time to see their first sunrise. Every day.
I can only begin to hope that I can show the strength and love these women have taught me. I hope I can make them all proud of the Mother I will become.
I have so many other Mothers to thank... but I will leave you with this: If you've ever loved someone with everything you have.. if you've ever given over the 'best slice' or the 'pretty piece of cake' or the last of dinner to someone you love more than yourself.. if you've ever spent a sleepless night tending to a fever.. if you've ever worked yourself so hard you don't know how to keep standing... then remembered the sweet face of the one you love and found new strength... Happy Mother's Day.
Flour-less Microwave cake! (perfect for your favorite Mama!)
Soooo easy... 1 minute to prepare
1/4 cup ground flax seed
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp butter or coconut oil
You could throw some walnuts in if you like.. mix into a coffee mug and microwave on high for 50 seconds.
That's. It.
You could get creative and sink a piece of dark chocolate into the center to make it a molten cake, if you like =)
That's all I've got for you today.. give your favorite mama a hug and a cup o' cake today and smile <3