We basically rob them of free range chicken eggs and grass fed liver and hearts to feed our dogs.
We find hilarious hippies playing harmonicas for change and amazing little kids with violins.. squeaking out every 4th note or so.. making them no less amazing <3
We find tomatoes. The kind I'll actually eat.
I LOVE tomatoes.. but not hydroponically grown orange-red perfect orbs that taste like wax and water.
I will only eat tomatoes a couple of months out of the year, and only when they're ugly.
Not ugly by my standard, mind you. But not uniform. Not symmetrical. Not beautiful by societal standard.
I like heirloom tomatoes.
They look bruised and have strange growths on them. Lumps and bumps where they don't belong..
And when you cut into them, they're a maze of thick flesh and random seed hotels. Tiny caverns in the most disorganized of patterns. The smell forces your eyes closed as you think of all the delicious preparations.
Your brain paints you intricate pictures of salads and sandwiches.. bruschetta with basil and blts made with mashed avocado instead of mayo.. <3
These delicious foods you'll never quite taste... this sweet bulbous mass will never make it to the cutting board. You've already begun sinking your senses into the homely fruit.. juice dripping off your elbows. Gums tingling with the acids.

That's ok. Save the recipes for that mess of hydros you can buy at the grocery store for next to nothing because they ARE next to nothing. The ones genetically modified not for taste or nutrition, but for aesthetic and it's ability to travel. Wax coated and never a flaw... For sturdiness, not substance.
And it's not just tasteless tomatoes that have had the real value genetically coerced out of them.
When the days of time travel finalllllly get here, make your first stop some time before the year 1800. Go get yourself a banana. When you ask for one, just go ahead and accept whatever foreign looking object is handed to you... that IS a banana. I know. Stop crying. I know...
Or perhaps you'd like to know what a chicken really looks like?
Hint: Nobody should have breasts that big.
Which brings me to another point......
I have a crush on heirloom variety humans.
Not the ones who have had their flaws burned, sliced, lipo'ed, implanted, bleached, pinned, dieted, cut, molded, or squeezed out of sight.
I love a girl with a spattering of freckles.
I like a guy whose hair isn't gelled into undone perfection.
I like a head of hair that fingers can find their way through without fear of clumps of overly bleached or glued-on tresses finding themselves upheaved.
I don't like spending time in groups of people who look like episode 7 of whatever tv show is on these days.. everyone color coordinated and wearing the perfectly tailored $250 jeans.
Not hydroponic people who practice their 'networking laugh' and their 'business flirting' smiles in the mirror every day.
I'm in love with people who were bred for quality..
The ones with minds you want to cut open and enjoy.. not hide in a melange of other flavorless ingredients.
The ones with perspective... usually different from mine. Ones I can argue with and they don't mind becoming passionate about a topic (Truly impassioned discussions look ugly.. red faces. Tears..) The ones who go off script.
So.. my beautiful friends <3
I'd like to thank you all for being delicious.
For being bright and colorful. For not being afraid of maybe looking a little different.
For sillywalk parades and nutrient-dense nights full of something new.
I love my heirloom life <3
So... You wanna do something besides eat those tomatoes like apples?
Suit yerself!
Tomato Salad
3 heirloom tomatoes carefully diced
1 large cucumber, seeded and diced
6 oz feta cheese, crumbled
fresh or frozen mint (optional) bruised and chopped
2 tsp sour cream
Mash your feta and sour cream together with a fork until they form a creamy/chunky base
Add veggies and mint
Serve with Greek Meatballs or.. basically anything! Nom <3
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